
Creating and Managing Contacts JC-MSO-2007


$10 Enroll

Full course description

Course Description

The Contacts list in Outlook enables you to create, edit, and organize a list of people and organizations that you communicate with frequently. From the Contacts list you can easily send an email, look up someone's phone number, or send an instant message.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of the Contacts list
  • Access the Contacts list
  • View your Contacts list in multiple ways
  • Search for a specific contact in your Contacts list
  • Add a new contact
  • Edit an existing contact
  • Delete a contact that is no longer needed
  • Add a contact to your Favorites list
  • Understand how to use the Favorites list to search for a contact and start an email message

Estimated completion time (hours): 1.1